An Email-Blog Series About YOU.


A series of emails that introduces you to you so you know what to do to create the best version of you.

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How does it work?


Put your details in to start receiving the Yoga & Beyond email-blog series.


Start learning with the first email blog post and continue the series by receiving the next one every week.


Use all the learnings to unlock your full potential and create a better life for yourself and all the people around you.

Everybody likes a sneak peek...

I cannot move my body like I used to.

I am lucky. I will recover.
I will get back to the life I love. As soon as I do, I will place this note into my practice space: "You move because you CAN." Because I have been reminded:
There is no guarantee—will never be that the “CAN” is constant...
Is SITTING as deadly as SMOKING?

According to the Mayo Clinic,
an analysis of 13 studies concluded that “Those who sat for more than 8 hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to the risks of dying caused by obesity and smoking.”
What to do...
Are you keeping your brain in TOP SHAPE?

After Sister Matthia had passed away,
just before she turned 105, researchers found clear signs of Alzheimer's disease in her brain. However, she had an excellent memory throughout her whole life until the day of her death.
How is this possible...

Oh... | By the way...

It is free.
I am learning all of these anyways, and sharing them with you makes me happier.
That's why the YOGA & BEYOND series is completely free.
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